Thursday, September 30, 2010


is it wrong to be so passionate about hand sewing?  i am addicted to embroidering on wool felt.  just looking at all my supplies--the threads, the beads, my tiny stork scissors--makes me happy.  i can't face a long car ride without a supply of felt and thread.  i can't watch a movie on tv without annoying everyone with my light, so i can sew.  don't ask me to make clothing or quilts, but you want a felt pin?  i'll get right to work.

of course, i love working with my pliers, too.  so if you desire  a gorgeous porcelain pendant on a long, long chain, i'm happy to oblige.


sharon said...

And you do such a beautiful job! Those little pins are the best!

OregonPatchWorks said...

Great task....well task..!!!!
