Monday, May 24, 2010

of muffins and bracelets

so, at long last, i am doing this:

and this:

And, oh, it feels good to be back in the kitchen and back at my jewelry desk with the house sort of in order.  the backsplash is not done yet, but all the new appliances are in.  and the refrigerator is out of the dining room!! and the table is cleaned off!!  and we can eat at home!!

i didn't get much done these past 5 weeks since the renovation started. it was just so noisy and dirty/dusty, with displaced furniture everywhere.  it was hard for any of us to think straight.  and even harder, apparently, to get ANYTHING done.

now, finally,  i am getting to work on some new jewelry and planning an open house sometime in june.  and i will be adding some new things--at last--to my completely neglected  etsy shop.  and maybe i'll even clean out my sock drawer.

but probably not.

Friday, May 07, 2010

mother's day

these earrings are making their way to massachusetts and florida for my two mothers for mother's day.  through the years, my mother and mother-in-law have received more than a few gifts of blue violet jewelry.  both of them actually wear what i give them (and claim to like it!).  i am impressed by how funky their taste for jewelry is. i have never heard, "these earrings are too big," or, "i don't wear that color." i love that they maintain the same sense of style that i do: if you like it, wear it.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

back to business

i met with sharon, the tile lady, again today, and after i'd obssessed about decided on some tile colors,  we talked about art and jewelry and blogging.  and she chastised me, as well she should, about not blogging regularly.  she's a good blogger, a regular blogger, and she makes something EVERY DAY (and works full time).  so there is no reason, no excuse why i can't do the same.  so my kitchen is torn apart, so i am having some serious baking withdrawal, i can still make stuff.  and type.

so here are some brand new earrings, made with stormin' beads by melissa at sea of glass.  (i admit, i hate to use any word with an apostrophe instead of a "g" at the end, but that's melissa's term, not mine.) i love, love, love these beads.  they have so much depth in a mad scientist, young frankenstein, lightning strike sort of way.  do you see what i mean? those crazy lines running through the purple----pure genius.