Tuesday, September 28, 2010

portrait of a great man

this is my brother, david, who came to visit last weekend.  this is the first time he has come on his own (without kids/family), so we were able to spend a lot of time together.  on sunday he and i went to hawk mountain to watch the hawk migration, something we both have wanted to do together for a long time--something NOBODY else in our families has the faintest desire to do.  we arrived at the lookout at 9:00, and spent four hours there, quietly watching.  we saw a few broad winged hawks up close,
but mostly we watched "kettles" of hawks, some with 50 plus hawks, flying in the distance, searching for a good wind.  it was a peaceful, satisfying morning.  there is much to be said for sitting in sweet, companionable silence with the one who kicked you under the table during dinner throughout your youth. 

i am so proud of the man my brother has become.  a man who, during my growing-up years, i never dreamed he would be: patient, kind, smart, compassionate, generous.  a true friend.

when he left he took with him lily, the stray cat we took in and couldn't keep.  the cat no one wanted.  and the next day he sent me an e-mail, thanking me for giving him such a great gift.
a rare bird.  oh yes, dave.  yes, you are.

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