Sunday, October 03, 2010

good books and good jewelry

have you read this?  a friend loaned it to me years ago and it sat, languishing (love that word) on my bookshelf.  every once in a while i would glance through it and decide that i must have left it there for some reason--too boring,  too wordy,  poorly written.  i do have a stack of books like that, started and abandoned and now, languishing (couldn't resist).  a week ago, when i started with this chest cold that is SO wont to leave me, i picked this book up out of desperation.  i found that it wasn't languishing, it was overlooked.  and man, what i was missing!  it's everything i love: excellent writing about ordinary things and ordinary people, with a plot that keeps pushing forward in a slow, steady, hypnotic way.  with characters you dream about, and awaken sure that they are, indeed, real people in your life.  i am halfway through and i don't want it to end.  that's a good book.

and i have been trying to drag myself away from gaea's porcelain beads.  it's hard, but i was able to finish a couple of hill tribe pieces.  i love these beads:  the organic feel and the soft sheen.  as irresistable as a good book.

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