Sunday, March 21, 2010


so i signed up and paid a good amount of money for an on-line course that purports to help you to find your true self, to peel away the layers and find...something... through photography and writing assignments (write your life as a fairy tale...).  not even two weeks in and i'm understanding that, for me,  the money would have been better spent on embroidery thread, beads,  or magazines.  this week's assignment was to take (and share--it's all about the sharing) a picture of yourself as a reflection.  well, i'm done with the class--it's not done, but i am-- and i'm thinking that maybe i can find out more here, by telling and showing and being honest about things.

here is a reflection of me in a beautiful vintage, bakelite mirror that my sweet neighbor and friend, monica, gave me.  because she thought it would be a lovely addition to my jewelry shop.  and because she spends most of her time thinking of other people and what they would like, or how they are feeling.

i am blessed to be surrounded by people who reflect back to me what i need most: love, acceptance, patience, unabashed joy.  thank you, my people.  i will take you over an on-line class any day.

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