Thursday, March 25, 2010

top of the tree

i am slowly learning a little about photography.  the shutter speed, aperture, ISO stuff still confounds me, but i am excited by the way taking photos has changed how i look at things--even what i look at to begin with.  take this tree.  every time i walk past, i am intrigued by the lines of it, its height, the stark, bare branches.  yesterday i tried taking a picture of it.  i only had my zoom lens, so i had to keep backing up, trying to get the whole thing in the picture.  when i put the camera down and considered it again, i thought about how much i especially loved the top of the tree, those branches reaching for the sun like long, arthritic fingers.  and it occurred to me that it would really be alright to take a picture of only the top, the part i liked best.  and i like this shot.  it's simple: the sky so blue, the tree so silver.  i like that it seems eerie, but the crisp, bright background makes it safe.  and i know it isn't the best shot, but this one says something to me.  and that's what i love about photography.

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