Friday, May 07, 2010

mother's day

these earrings are making their way to massachusetts and florida for my two mothers for mother's day.  through the years, my mother and mother-in-law have received more than a few gifts of blue violet jewelry.  both of them actually wear what i give them (and claim to like it!).  i am impressed by how funky their taste for jewelry is. i have never heard, "these earrings are too big," or, "i don't wear that color." i love that they maintain the same sense of style that i do: if you like it, wear it.


sharon said...

Very gorgeous Nancy...I hope you made yourself a pair! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Lesley Edmonds said...

Hi Nancy,
Thank you for visiting by journal blog. I shall look out for 'the help' to read as suggested.
These earings are GORGEOUS! Beautiful beads.
Lesley x