Tuesday, May 04, 2010

back to business

i met with sharon, the tile lady, again today, and after i'd obssessed about decided on some tile colors,  we talked about art and jewelry and blogging.  and she chastised me, as well she should, about not blogging regularly.  she's a good blogger, a regular blogger, and she makes something EVERY DAY (and works full time).  so there is no reason, no excuse why i can't do the same.  so my kitchen is torn apart, so i am having some serious baking withdrawal, i can still make stuff.  and type.

so here are some brand new earrings, made with stormin' beads by melissa at sea of glass.  (i admit, i hate to use any word with an apostrophe instead of a "g" at the end, but that's melissa's term, not mine.) i love, love, love these beads.  they have so much depth in a mad scientist, young frankenstein, lightning strike sort of way.  do you see what i mean? those crazy lines running through the purple----pure genius.


sharon said...

Yah! Now we are getting somewhere! These are gorgeous Nancy!~ Ok, now more, more, more! Would love you to show your felt pieces too!

stregata said...

Lovely earrings, Nancy!

Lesley Edmonds said...

Hi Nancy,
I just found you through Sharon's blog and wanted to say how much I love your jewellery. It's really beautiful.
I'm a great believer in 'blogging without obligation' so you whould never feel guilty blogging ocassionally - I shall enjoy readng your posts as and when they appear.
Lesley x

Nancy said...

thanks, sharon! and so nice to meet you, stregata and lesley! thanks so much for leaving me a comment. i really appreciate it.